Chabad of Central Florida
Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 17 Shevat 5785
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The Return of the Pig
by Dr. Arnie Gotfryd
In the Messianic Era, when the true Divine nature of every creature will be openly revealed, the pig will stand vindicated as a kosher animal. Because with all its posing and prancing, the pig does one thing for us. It forces us to confront our own insidious evil nature, combat it, and ultimately rise above it.
So the choice is ours. We can mask our deficiencies by verbally maligning the innocent pig, or we can recognize the pig for what it is: a mirror to our own animal selves. We must concentrate on perfecting and purifying our own animal souls, and G-d will reciprocate by "koshering" the pig. - The Rebbe 
Based on Likkutei Sichos, Shabbos Parshat Shemini, vol. 17, pp. 92-99; Parshas Toldos, vol. 35 pp. 117-118 (reprinted from The Week in Review).
Readers Write 
Dear Dr. Gotfryd,

You went way too far with your suggestion that due to the immediacy of Moshiach, we will soon be eating Prosciutto di Parma at kiddush. This is definitely out of line. After all, the false messiah Shabtai Zvi ate Prosciutto di Parma! 
Jacob S, Toronto

Dear Jacob,
Let's clarify a few things.
First, Shabtai Tzvi abandoned rabbinic Judaism - I embrace it.
Second, if traditional Rabbinic Judaism puts it on the menu for the messianic era, who am I to take it off?
Third, the good news is you won't have to eat it if you don't want to. But by the same token you probably won't eat the meat at the Beis HaMikdash Kiddush in honor of the tzadikim either, assuming that's when they serve the much anticipated "shor habar" wild ox meat.
Why do I think you will forego that delicacy? Because even though oxen are kosher animals, that particular beast will be slaughtered by the fin of the giant Leviathan, and not by the knife of a schochet. According to Jewish Law, that would make it "treife", and hence unfit for Jewish consumption.
In that case, while Moshiach and all the tzadikim are having the meat, will you be ordering the fish? Don't worry, I'm sure there will be enough Leviathan to go around. 
I think what's bothering you here is that we know the laws of the Torah are immutable and eternal. That being the case, how can we eat the Shor HaBar?
Some sages explain that the rules regulating kosher slaughter will not be changed, but rather they always carried an exemption for the slaughter of that great beast by that great fish. Perhaps the case is similar with chazir. The orginal prohibition carried an exclusion from the outset for the days of Moshiach. Others explain that in the future it will actually chew its cud.
In any case, I'm looking forward to Prosciutto di Parma. Sure I'll wait for a certificate of kashrut from a competent halachic authority. I may even wait for a green light from Moshiach himself.
But if that poor critter went through all that bad rap for so many thousands of years, just to be spurned when he finally does teshuvah and becomes kosher, I'll be happy to do step out from the crowd and do him a favor by elevating his holy sparks over dinner.

Best regards,


*     *     *
These are the ones that you shall not eat... and the chazir for it splits its hoof but the cud it chews not (Leviticus 11, 4-7).
Why is its name called chazir? Because the Holy Name Blessed Be He will return it [l'hachaziro] to Israel. - Medrash

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Q. Is it true that the pig will be kosher after Moshiach comes?
A. Indeed the Midrash maintains that the swine will be "purified" with the arrival of the Messianic Era. The problem with this notion is that a basic principle of the Jewish faith is the absolute immutability of the Torah and its mitzvahs. The following are two of the explanations which have been given: 

1) When Moshiach comes G-d will change the nature of the pig and it will start chewing its cud-thus rendering it a kosher animal.

2) The midrash is allegorical. The Roman Empire, the destroyer of the Holy Temple, is compared to a swine. When Moshiach comes even our most sworn enemies will be at peace with us.


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