The Friendship Circle Club is made up of five parts: volunteers, children, parents, staff and supporters.
The true beauty of the Circle is how we all link together to form a seamless circle of friendship. Together, we can perform miracles.
How can you help complete the circle?
Do you know a teenager who would like to be a volunteer?
Are you willing to drive a volunteer to his or her destination?
Do you know a family that can use extra help in their home with children who have special needs?
Would you like to support our programs and help us continue the work of the Friendship Circle?
Questions? Comments? Praise? Critique?

No matter what, you've come to the right place.
Please drop us a line. Be sure to include your correct email address!
A Project of Bais Menachem Chabad
Director: Chana Rivkin
8913 Eastman Dr. Tampa, FL 33626
Tel: 813-375-9799
(Fields marked with an asterik * are required.)